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Products can be ordered at
Or found on shelves at these locations:
Coastal Equine Georgetown,De
FairHill Saddlery, Fairhill, Md
Masts Harness shop Dover ,De
The Mill at Kingstown, Chestertown, Md
Tri County Feeds, Inc, Marshall, Va
H3 Herbal Hoof Pack
What is it?
This powdered hoof pack contains a blend of herbal powders which are revered in traditional herbal medicine for their healing properties.
The base of the packing is flax meal which is an old-time treatment for stone bruises.
The herbal blend specifically addresses many of the issues horse owners are faced with regarding hoof care.
This powdered hoof pack is both convenient (mix up as little or much as you need at a time) and very effective (herbs that are antifungal, antibacterial, provide detox, and promotion of blood flow are all included in the mix).
How to use:
Mix 3TBSP with approx. ¼ c. water (use warm or cold water depending on the desired effect.) mix until the water is absorbed and the poultice balls up into a dough-like consistency. (water to mix ratio can be adjusted for desired consistency). This will generally be enough to fully pack one shod hoof. Apply pack by pressing into any crevices, along frog ,etc. first. Then smooth over entire sole.
If the horse is shod this is often enough. Otherwise, put a piece of paper (the ripped edge of feed bag works well) on the bottom of hoof and wrap or boot as you would with any other hoof pack.
TIPS -- Pick and brush out the hoof thoroughly. Use a spray bottle with a 10% bleach solution to clean out areas with deep cracks, thrush, or white line disease (this will kill surface pathogens and allow the poultice to go to work faster).
In order to save on bandaging materials, consider using old socks to pull over the paper-bottomed-packed hoof and secure at the top with a single piece of elastic tape. Make a duct tape wrap around the hoof area only (DO NOT TAPE ABOVE the coronary band or heel bulbs). This will usually result in a temp boot you can slide down off of hoof and reuse.
*Organic Achillea Millefolium (Yarrow)
**Azadarachta Indica( Neem), Symphytum officinale (Comfrey root)
***Oregano, Bentonite Clay, Flax
ANYONE WITH A SENSITIVITY TO plants in the Asteracea family ( echinacea chamomile etc) should exercise caution since yarrow can have allergic cross-reactivity common to Asteracea plants.
*** Do not ingest
Please feel free to email us at with any questions or concerns.
I would also love to hear about your success with this product!
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